Friday, November 14, 2014

The Main Five Types of Steroids

Another name for this drug is AndroDerm. This drug can be put in your body by transdermal. This means that the drug is put in a patch and will slowly get sucked into the skin. Doctors proscribe this drug to help boost testosterone in males. This shouldn't be used by professional athletes because it can give a slight edge in performance. In most sports if a player is found to be using this steroid they will pay a hefty fine and most likely be suspended for a while.

This drug's popular trade name is Deca-Durabolin. This drug is entered into the body be injection. This drug can be used to treat some muscle wasting diseases. Also, it can be used for Renal Insufficiency. Another name for this is kidney disease. Doctors may also provide this to help with Anemia as well. This drug helps with mass or tissue growth and is used to help a person recover faster from an injury. The main use for this is to give people joint relief.

A popular name for this drug is Equipoise. This drug is injected into the body. This drug isn't used for any purpose that a doctor would prescribe to a certain person. This drug is mainly used by athletes to improve strength, recovering time, and help enhance conditioning. This drug makes people increase in mass and help with muscular endurance.

There are two popular names for this drug and they are Winsrol and Winsrol Depot. This drug can be in the body orally or through injection. This drug is used to treat Anemia and strength loss. It is a rare thing, but can be used to help fight obesity. It can be used to be harmful as well. It can be used for cutting, but is great for conditioning. Athletes use this drug to help with their strength.

A popular name for this drug is Dianabol. This drug enters the body through taking a pill orally. Not used for anything that the doctor proscribes. This drug is only used to to increase body mass, strength and muscular endurance.

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