Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The effects of using Steriods


There is a real competitive side to every person. With the help of performing enhancing drugs, athletes are getting medals and spots on professional sports teams. The types of drugs used by most athletes has a scientific name of anabolic-androgen steroids. The main anabolic steroid produced is Testosterone. Some athletes take this type of steroid to preform better, while others take it because of an injury. With taking this type of steroid there are some risks for both men and women. For men they may develop breasts, baldness, shrunken testicles, infertility, and impotence. Women may develop a deeper voice, an enlarged clitoris, more body hair, and a lack of periods.


Another word for using steroids is "Doping", this has been known in professional sports since the 1960's. In 1988, Congress passed a law that made distributing and having possession of steroids a crime. In July of 2014 a defensive player for the Miami Dolphins got caught with steroids in his system. He was suspended by the NFL for four games because of his actions. In August of 2014, Anthony Busch was pleading guilty for distributing steroids to pro-athletes and to high school students.
A-Rod from the New York Yankees admits to using PEDs

85% of teen athletes use steroids or performing enhancing drugs at some point. 44% of them say it was easy to get there hands on the drug. 11% of teenage males have tried the use of steroids. For a first time offense they could be in prison for 1 year and or have to pay $1,000 fine. An average of 56% of athletes that use PEDs are showing signs of aggressiveness or irritability.  


1 comment:

  1. Good Blog. I agree with you and think that it is horrible to cheat at a sport with the bad effects that steroids have.
